When is it finished?
It’s something we all struggle with.
Knowing when to hit that save button for the last time. When to put the pen down. When to remove the field of post it notes from your mind.
The Diseased has been written and edited numerous times.
I’ve had Beta Readers, Editors and proof readers go over it numerous time. Each time I’ve taken their feedback on board and made changes. Each change has added depth to the characters and the story I never expected.
I could keep going with this process forever,
I don’t think a story is every really done. I look back at my first two books and wish I could rewrite them because I know now that I could make them infinitely better.
But you have to stop eventually. If you don’t you’ll probably go a little bit mad.
Everyone has an opinion on when you know a project is finished and here’s mine.
When you can’t stand the idea of reading it again. You still love the world and characters you’ve created but the idea of re-reading your own story for the hundredth time fills you with dread.
That’s when it’s done. That’s when you’ve given everything you can to it. That’s when you get to finish.