The Importance of Reading

Any writer should be an avid reader. I know sometimes that feels like a dangerous line to tow but it’s an important one. What if you end up accidentally being inspired by someone else’s work? What if you stumble upon something that’s too close to your WIP? What if? What if? What if?

But the thing is - if you aren’t reading then you’ll never truly unlock your potential. You must immerse yourself in tales of other worlds in order to better create your own. But read as a reader not as a writer. Don’t go into a story with a critical eye, reading should be an enjoyable pursuit. Dive into a book with an open heart and learn what, as a reader, you like and don’t like. And then learn to write for that reader.

Reading is writing just the same as writing is reading. Both should be instinctively linked.

I used to avoid reading books in the genre I was writing in, but since I’ve changed this stance my own person style of writing has come on in leaps and bounds. Now I read infinitely more than I write, it helps trigger my imagination when I do finally put pen to paper (or rather cursor to screen) and so far I’ve yet to rip any other author off ha!

So, dear writers, if you find yourself with a spare twenty minutes, are suffering from writers block or just can’t face the WIP today why not pick up a book and escape for a while? You might find it makes all the difference.


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