The Right Way To Write
Spoiler alert. There is no right way to write.
Write on your laptop. Write on your phone. Write on scraps of paper you find in your jacket.
Scratch your words into the floor with your bare hands. Dust off the typewriter you brought at Oxfam. Create a safe space. Lay in your bed. Sit up straight. Lounge
Write on the bus. Write on your sofa. Write at your desk. Write standing up. Write sitting down. Write on the toilet. But please, wash your hands.
Write in whatever way you have to, spill the words into the world like vomit from your heart until you are empty. Some days you’ll do it with passion and it will seem never ending. Some days you will do it reluctantly and create nothing more than a chapter header.
Then when all the creative bile has left your body and you are satisfied there is no more story to tell, you’ll know. That’s when you’ll know the right way to write. Because it will be the right way for you.
I mean sure then you have a world of editing ahead of you but that’s another stress for another day.